About Matter and Space

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O. Lomaia


For further development of physics it is necessary to reexamine its fundamental notions, as the concept about matter and space existing nowadays. It is applicable and correct: to divide material objects into three forms or levels: (primary, secondary and tertiary); belonging more delicate objects compared with primary matter to differentiated type of matters. The author thinks that it is necessary the matter space to return the status of absoluteness, provided by I. Newton. To be accepted that forming of the space preceded formation of solid material objects. Space is discrete, non-homogenous, electrically neutral, motionless (doesn’t move), has the ability to vibrate. It consists of special, most delicate types of matter. The solid massive bodies consisting of tertiary matter include great pores and they can’t curve the space. Space is their important component

Published: Mar 27, 2015

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How to Cite
Lomaia, O. (2015). About Matter and Space. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 17(A). Retrieved from https://ggs.openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/1636


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