On the Characteristic Functions and Parameters of Different Kind of Thermodynamic Systems: Experiment, Observation, Theory

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Anzor I. Gvelesiani


The paper consists own results of laboratory experiments, results of well known other works using by us for introduce corrections and interpretations of some of them proceed from common point of view. There are discussion and comparison all of them with each other, in the light of classical works. In the first part of the article, briefly, is given the original laboratory bubble boiling method for modeling (BBMM) of vertical convective motion of two phase homo- and heterogeneous fluids (Georgian natural waters were investigated. The rest part of paper is devoted to the studying of thermodynamic parameters of systems, studying in geophysics and other ranges of science, technology, metallurgy, physical chemistry. In particular, except above-mentioned water solution, there are considered phase transformation processing in the following way: crystalliquidvapour and in the opposite direction. Thus, it is obtained similarity between: (1) Van-der-Waals (P,V)-phase diagram, stress-strain diagram (σ/ϵ), modelling earthquakes, and reconstructed by us figures (MPa/porosity) and ()-reverse heat capacity-temperature diagram for glycerin, C3H8O3, and (h, E)-, dependence between depth of cosmic rays penetration into the Earth atmosphere and their energy; (2)space-time change of parameters  of cosmic rays, solar wind, F10.7 and ultra-violet radiation, and temperature-time change of nucleation of melted piperin, C17H19NO3, in glass-like crystal state, and sulfides, arsenides, sulfates; (3) change of number of sunspots, W, and geomagnetic activity,, in time, reconstructed by us (here), are in a good agreement with (ΔT, t); (4)(BBMM) bubble-boiling method, may be used for modelling of vertical convection, first of all, in the geo- and solar atmosphere; theoretically is confirmed our conclusion about Van-der-Waals-type and Tammann-type thermodynamic phenomena in geophysical spheres, metallurgical and physico-chemical investigations. It is necessary to note that well known Tammann’s curve is not Gaussian one.

glass-like state, convection, thermodynamic system, phase, bubble boiling, nucleation, magma, volcano, cosmic rays, magnetic field, solar wind, sunspot, alloys, modelling.
Published: Sep 29, 2017

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How to Cite
Gvelesiani, A. I. (2017). On the Characteristic Functions and Parameters of Different Kind of Thermodynamic Systems: Experiment, Observation, Theory. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 19(22). Retrieved from https://ggs.openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/1877


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