On the Probable Technical Reasons of the Devastating Flood in 2015 in Tbilisi

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Zurab A. Kereselidze
Irina B. Khvedelidze
Giorgi V. Shergilashvili


The analysis of the possible technical reasons, which contributed catastrophic results of the flood on the Vere river 13.06.2015, which can become basis for the preventive actions in the case of repeating a similar extreme phenomenon in the future is carried out. 


river Vere, flood
Published: Feb 13, 2019

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How to Cite
Kereselidze, Z. A., Khvedelidze, I. B., & Shergilashvili, G. V. (2019). On the Probable Technical Reasons of the Devastating Flood in 2015 in Tbilisi. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 21(2). Retrieved from https://ggs.openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/2522


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