On the one-dimensional two-phase/many-component convective flows in different geophysical mediums: laboratory method of modeling of fluids bubble boiling

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Anzor Gvelesiani


Today, research of different geophysical medium shells’ stability is one of the actual problems. We paid our attention to the vertical motions of different fluids heated from below: in the first part there are theoretical aspects of the problem, in the second, experimental part, – original fluid bubble boiling method of modeling of vertical one-dimensional two-phase flow. Supposed laboratory method considers vertical motion of heated from below fluids – main element of convection, which plays important role in extraordinary natural phenomena  (thunderstorms, volcanoes, gazer, mantle-plumes, tectonic motions, ionosphere continued waves, solar wind, magnetic storms etc.), and named by us as “bubble boiling method of fluids”. Preliminary experiments of modeling of fluid convective motions were successfully conducted at the base of Institute’s thermobarochamber. Results were many times repeated and controlled in detail. Graphic and table materials represent in next paper of this issue. Because the convective motions presents in all geophysical shells and analogically the subjects, practical and theoretical activity of the Institute collaborators are connected with each other, perhaps it will be possible to develop and expand it further together.

Published: Aug 11, 2014

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How to Cite
Gvelesiani, A. (2014). On the one-dimensional two-phase/many-component convective flows in different geophysical mediums: laboratory method of modeling of fluids bubble boiling. Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society, 16, 118–127. Retrieved from https://ggs.openjournals.ge/index.php/GGS/article/view/668


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