Indictment and Deviation therefrom Trial on Merits


  • Giorgi Tumanishvili


charge, deviation from indictment, action, In the procedural sense, action in the material sense, re-qualification, principle of correspondence.


Prosecutor’s resolution on charge is the main document determining the subject of trial of a criminal case on its merits. The defendant shall be tried within the scopes of indictment presented by the prosecutor. The problems arise where it is established that the factual circumstances differ from those stated or the incriminated crime requires different qualification. In this case factual and legal deviation from the indictment takes place and this complicates decision making in judicial practice. Purpose of the article is to analyze legal outcomes of deviation from the indictment and development of practical recommendations.


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How to Cite

Tumanishvili, G. (2017). Indictment and Deviation therefrom Trial on Merits. Journal of Law, (1). Retrieved from


