Universal System Of Sex/Gender Registration


  • George G. Tumanishvili


Sex, Gender, Intersex, Registration, System


In this article the author aims at offering and informing the modern world about Universal System of Sex/Gender Registration that he has created. When introduced/applied, this system will meet the challenges of the idea of equality, which are faced globally nowadays.

The Universal System of Sex/Gender Registration (hereinafter referred to as USS/GR) is created on one hand for protecting the human rights in regards to sex and gender selection and belonging, and on the other hand for enabling the state to register sex/gender in an easy and flexible manner.

By introducing and applying the USS/GR, the modern world will be able to ensure the standard of initial equality regarding sex and gender, which has been neglected by the qualified majority of countries to date.


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How to Cite

Tumanishvili, G. G. (2017). Universal System Of Sex/Gender Registration. Journal of Law, (2). Retrieved from https://jlaw.tsu.ge/index.php/JLaw/article/view/1867


